ICARC Meeting Minutes

April 25, 2007

  1. After magically getting the laptop to talk to the video projector, Willy, KCØJFQ, showed us a DVD on Fox Hunting that Jon, WØCK, acquired for the club. Not the normal procedure, but once you get the video projector to run, you let it go.
  2. After the show, President Jim, NOØB, called the meeting to order.
  3. Introductions counted 15 present for the meeting.
  4. Secretary's report read and approved.
  5. Treasurer, returning after his vacation to Chile, reported we still have money left in the bank.
  6. HamRad: Rich, WWØQ, reported that:
    1. Tom Hansen is retiring and his replacement is not known at this time.
    2. The Red Cross is backing down somewhat on background checks.
  7. Johnson County Sunday Evening Net NCS:
    1. May-June:  WWØQ
    2. June-July:   KIØJP
  8. Gin pole, rope, pulley and clamp whereabouts is in question.
  9. Antenna analyzer is available.
  10. Archives: Jeff, KIØJP, will have something by the end of summer.
  11. Field Day: We still need to have members step forward to take charge of each major task.
  12. Repeater: John, KØGH, reports that a spur from the Sheriff's radio can occasionally be heard in the repeater.
  13. Fox Hunt: Craig, KØC-"Fox", showed us a simple directional antenna and attenuator anyone can build for a few bucks.
  14. It was agreed that we will hold a fox hunt in September.

George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF