ICARC Meeting Minutes

August 13, 2008

  1. The meeting was called to order by President Jeff Dodd, KIØJP at 7:30 PM.
  2. The usual introductions around the room showed 13 members present.
  3. Treasurer's report was delivered by Willy, KCØJFQ who reported a healthy bank balance.
  4. HamRad Report by Rich, WWØQ:
    • WWØQ wants to meet soon with Dave Wilson, the JCEMA director.
    • RAGBRAI - Ham radio role has been reduced to providing weather warnings in adjacent counties.
    • There was some bad weather around midnight, but nothing developed.

Old Business

  1. W3ACO reported that only 2 or 3 showed up for the last demonstration at the Senior Center. He wonders if we need more demos. We will do one on September 25th (Thursday) at a time to be determined. We will need to advertise via the Senior Center weekly or quarterly flyer. The antenna must come down after the last demo.
  2. Art, KØACP, will talk to Doug Herman, KDØTG At West High to find out if there is interest in a demonstration there, and to set a date.

New Business

  1. Art, KØACP needs a VE session - a prospective ham is ready for the test. KIØJP, W3ACO, WØJWC and KØACP will do it. It was noted that it must be advertised via the ARRL, ICARC web site and/or the net.
  2. Rich, W3ACO wants to do a membership drive via postal mail. KØCF will update the mailing list.
  3. Rich, WWØQ wondered if there was interest in doing an automated notification of severe weather via email, cell phone, pager or text message. Rich will explore the possibilities.
  4. Sunday evening net control: WWØQ will take it for this month.
  5. Dennis, WBØMCX reported that he has tickets with double stubs for the October 5th hamfest in West Liberty.
  6. Rich, W3ACO announced that he has a box full of junk free for the taking.
  7. Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM.


Submitted by Craig Fastenow, KØCF (Substituting for Secretary Jon Poulton, WØCK).

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF