ICARC Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2010

  1. The meeting was called to order by club president KØLUM at 7:30 PM. 11 Hams were present.
  2. Club Secretary KØACP read the meeting minutes. Minutes were accepted
  3. Club Treasurer, KCØJFQ was missing in action.
  4. 501C3 status for ICARC has been updated and assured.
  5. KIØJP will be net control for the coming month.

Old Business

  1. The last CW class had 7 people. Alphabet has been learned but practice is still required. NOØB will host future sessions, without Rich. W3ACO suggested "JUST DO IT".
  2. KØCF visited the new Repeater QTH with KØGH, and pictures of the repeater and antenna tower will be on the website soon.
  3. W3ACO moved to purchase a backup AGM battery for the WØJV repeater. KØCF will work with KØGH on pursuing purchase and installation.
  4. Elections were held with the following results:
      KØCF - President
      KIØJP - Vice President
      KØACP - Secretary
      KCØJFQ - Treasurer
      KDØIDZ - Program Director
      NØPFT - Field Day Director

New Business:

  1. WØPPF reported that the AWA (Antique Wireless Association) contest will be this weekend with 1929 vintage radios.

At 8:00 PM the meeting was adjourned.
There was no program this month.

Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF