Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Iowa City Amateur Radio Club, held Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the United Methodist Church, North Liberty, Iowa


Bill Caldwell, NØLNO and Elizabeth Caldwell, NØUTP gave a presentation about a conference to be held in Cedar Rapids on July 25–28, 2024 by the Central States UHF Society.

The event will include a trip to the Amanas, where spouses and children are welcome.

The presenters talked about the Fred Fish Memorial Award, where the objective is to work all 488 grids in the continental United States.


Mike Parker, KEØQKF, chaired the business meeting.


Treasurer Willy Robison, KCØJFQ, reported that our balance is $*, after $* had been deposited from the sale of equipment.


The Johnson County Fair exhibit and demonstration generated no inquiries about membership.


There will be a Volunteer Examiner session on Monday, December 4, 2023 in Van Allen Hall at the University of Iowa.


John Kauble, KØGH, will ask the Veterans Administration Medical Center about putting an antenna on top of the hospital building.


John Nichols, KFØHES, reported that the Iowa City Public Library is not a good choice for a meeting site, since we cannot be guaranteed the use of the same room and meeting time from month to month.


The Winter Field Day will be held on January 28, 2024. We are looking for a suitable site.


Dave Ratliff, KEØJFQ, reported that a meeting with the University of Iowa Amateur Radio Club went well. If the UIARC has classes, they would like the ICARC to provide instructors. Dave Ratliff will talk to representatives from the UIARC. They have followed the QRZ instructional sheet.


Mike Parker, KEØQKF, suggested that we send a message through icarc.io to look at the QRZ website.


Willy Robison, KCØJFQ, suggested looking at the QRZ website to examine the curriculum.


The meeting place will be at 309 Van Allen Hall. We can discuss this at our next Sunday night net.


Dennis Boyd, WBØVZK, reported that the format for the Sunday night net will change. The check-in will be officers first, followed by the Golden Club, then checking in alphabetically by the first letter of the call sign suffix. This will be in place of calling a roll.


Respectfully submitted,

John Nichols, KFØHES

Secretary, Iowa City Amateur Radio Club