Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Iowa City Amateur Radio Club, held Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the United Methodist Church, North Liberty, Iowa


Prior to the business meeting, Mike Parker, KEØQKF, gave a presentation on panadaptors. David Christ, KØLUM,  demonstrated a direction finder and some other hardware.


Treasurer Willy Robison, KCØJFQ, reported that the ICARC has $* in petty cash. There is $* in our checking account, and we have about $* in uncashed checks.


The ICARC voted to give Lowell Dibble, WØTER, a gift of appreciation.


Doug Herman, KDØTG, advised members who need to renew their licenses to do so soon. The online process is complicated.


Rich Haendel, W3ACO, discussed establishing a scholarship fund for the Young Lady (YL) Radio Operators Fund.


A suggestion for our December meeting was that Paige Harper, KØPTH, give a presentation.


Elections will be held at our December meeting, and we need to discuss the dues amount for 2024.


Dennis Boyd, WBØVZK, presented a display about the ICARC during storm spotter training.


Dave Ratliff, KEØSFV, asked treasurer Willy Robison, KCØJFQ and secretary John Nichols, KFØHES, to post our meeting minutes on the ICARC website.


Respectfully submitted,

John Nichols, KFØHES

Secretary, Iowa City Amateur Radio Club