Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Iowa City Amateur Radio Club, held Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the United Methodist Church, North Liberty, Iowa


Mike Parker, KEØQKF, chaired the meeting. Our speaker was Paige Harper, KØPTH, who gave a presentation on her participation in the Caribbean Contesting Consortium, PJ2T, in October 2023 in Curacao. Rich Haendel, W3ACO, introduced our speaker. Paige is the recipient of a Young Leaders Scholarship grant, which allowed her to attend the contesting consortium.


Treasurer Willy Robison, KCØJFQ, reported that our bank balance is $*, with $* in petty cash, which gives our total assets as $*  David Christ, KØLUM, suggested that we use some of this money to increase membership in the ICARC.


Rich Haendel, W3ACO, reported that there will be no Volunteer Examiner session in December 2023. The next VE session will be in April 2024.


The ICARC needs volunteers for instructors. Rich Haendel, W3ACO, reported that the VE session in April 2024 is intended for the general public, but will not have classes held previously. Rich emphasized that we need to target the general public to increase local ham radio participation. John Nichols, KFØHES, suggested advertising in the Daily Iowan or the Iowa City Press-Citizen. A suggestion was made to find out what it would cost to post something on the bulletin board of the Iowa City Public Library. Possible audiences that were suggested as targets for recruitment are the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, and local senior citizens, particularly in Oaknoll Retirement Center. Dennis Boyd, WBØVZK, suggested that a recruiting committee be formed.


A retirement home in Maryland, K3CCR, has ham radio equipment. Ham radio through the Internet might be a good avenue to pursue for Oaknoll. David Christ, KØLUM, suggested that we become familiar with digital radio, and said that he has contacts at Oaknoll. Rich Haendel, W3ACO, volunteered to lead a presentation and demonstration at Oaknoll. David Christ, KØLUM, and Dennis Boyd, WBØVZK, said they would do some investigating regarding starting some outreach projects and presentations.


New business

Willy Robison, KCØJFQ, nominated Dennis Boyd, WBØVZK, for the office of president and Larry Truesdell, AKØZ, for the office of vice president. Both nominations were accepted and approved. John Nichols, KFØHES, and Willy Robison, KCØJFQ, were nominated to continue as secretary and treasurer, respectively. Both nominations were accepted and approved.


Dues for 2024 will be $10 for members age 75 and older, $20 for members under the age of 75, and $30 for a family membership.


Secretary John Nichols, KFØHES, was asked to provide copies of the meeting minutes to Willy Robison, KCØJFQ, to post on the ICARC website. Willy said he would remove all references to finances before posting the minutes.


Respectfully submitted,

John Nichols, KFØHES

Secretary, Iowa City Amateur Radio Club